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What Are the Health Benefits of Kindness?

What Are the Health Benefits of Kindness?

You know that showing someone kindness can make you feel good inside. But you may not know that there’s scientific research that suggests that those warm, fuzzy feelings are also good for your long-term health and well-being. “Small acts of kindness are

3 Types of Soothing Self-Talk for Anxiety

3 Types of Soothing Self-Talk for Anxiety

When you feel anxious, compassionate self-talk can help you see the situation in a more balanced and realistic way, feel better, and make better choices. Here are some types of compassionate talk for anxiety you can try, with some explanation of the

Understanding and Managing Pressure Ulcers on the Foot and Ankle

Understanding and Managing Pressure Ulcers on the Foot and Ankle

Understanding and Managing Pressure Ulcers on the Foot and Ankle

Pressure ulcerations, commonly called pressure sores or bedsores,

Home-Based Negative Pressure Wound Therapy: Challenges and Benefits

Home-Based Negative Pressure Wound Therapy: Challenges and Benefits

Home-Based Negative Pressure Wound Therapy: Challenges and Benefits

Providing NPWT in a home-based setting marks a significant

3 Tips to Stay More Present in the Present

3 Tips to Stay More Present in the Present

Just this morning, I was working with a client of mine, helping her focus inward to notice pleasant sensations of warmth and joy. These feelings arose spontaneously as she was reflecting on one very satisfying friendship. After about three seconds, her mind

Feeling low? Take a walk down memory lane. Study says nostalgia improves psychological well-being

Feeling low? Take a walk down memory lane. Study says nostalgia improves psychological well-being

Nostalgia, or the good feeling one gets when thinking about the past, may not be getting the respect it deserves. A recent study in theJournal of Experimental Social Psychology concludes that the more nostalgic one is, the more authentic one feels, which has

The Happiness of Not Thinking

The Happiness of Not Thinking

One of the most well-known phrases in philosophy is, "I think, therefore I am," from the 17th-century French philosopher René Descartes. The statement is usually taken to mean that the act of thinking generates our sense of identity, and that without thought

Understanding the importance of health literacy

Understanding the importance of health literacy

Health literacy is vital to good health and wellbeing. It is fundamental to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and is a crucial tool to deliver universal health coverage. People need

How motivational interviewing can improve health workforce well-being

How motivational interviewing can improve health workforce well-being

The National Academy of Medicine launched its National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being in early October. Citing years of research defining the causes and effects of burnout in health professions, internationally recognized leaders in health care devoted