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Exercise for Low Back Pain: What Works Best?

Exercise for Low Back Pain: What Works Best?

For a given, well-defined musculoskeletal disorder, what works best? Is a question like this even fair to ask? More to the point, is such a question answerable? As practicing chiropractors, we get asked this “what works best” question for any number of

Is It Bad to Work Out the Same Way Every Time You Exercise?

Is It Bad to Work Out the Same Way Every Time You Exercise?

Establishing an exercise routine isn’t always an easy task, but once you find a few activities you enjoy doing, it’s far easier to find your workout groove. Whether it's a daily walk, dancing, or taking a Pilates class three days a week, exercise has so

What Older Adults Need to Know About RSV

What Older Adults Need to Know About RSV

Join Now That’s bad news ahead of what many experts say could be  a stormy season  for flu and COVID-19. All three illnesses — RSV, influenza and COVID-19 — share a similar list of symptoms. And all three cause complications in adults with certain

Understanding the Lived Experience of Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review and Synthesis of Qualitative Evidence Syntheses

Understanding the Lived Experience of Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review and Synthesis of Qualitative Evidence Syntheses

Background: Although multiple measures of the causes and consequences of chronic non-cancer pain (CNCP) are available and can inform pain management, no quantitative summary of these measures can describe the meaning of pain for a patient. The lived

Does bariatric surgery lower the risk of shoulder arthroplasty ?

Does bariatric surgery lower the risk of shoulder arthroplasty ?

Friday, March 31, 2023 Does bariatric surgery lower the risk of shoulder arthroplasty ? Obesity has adverse effects on a person's health. When non-operative means fail to achieve the weight reduction goal, patients may consider bariatric surgery. Bariatric

What Are the Health Benefits of Kindness?

What Are the Health Benefits of Kindness?

You know that showing someone kindness can make you feel good inside. But you may not know that there’s scientific research that suggests that those warm, fuzzy feelings are also good for your long-term health and well-being. “Small acts of kindness are

The relationship between physical activity and diabetes in... : Medicine

The relationship between physical activity and diabetes in... : Medicine

The prevalence of diabetes is rising due to the aging population, unbalanced eating habits, increased high obesity rates, and low levels of physical activity (PA). The increase in the number of elderly people suffering from diabetes is regarded as one of the

3 Types of Soothing Self-Talk for Anxiety

3 Types of Soothing Self-Talk for Anxiety

When you feel anxious, compassionate self-talk can help you see the situation in a more balanced and realistic way, feel better, and make better choices. Here are some types of compassionate talk for anxiety you can try, with some explanation of the

Understanding and Managing Pressure Ulcers on the Foot and Ankle

Understanding and Managing Pressure Ulcers on the Foot and Ankle

Understanding and Managing Pressure Ulcers on the Foot and Ankle

Pressure ulcerations, commonly called pressure sores or bedsores,